9th International Cool Climate Symposium
10 November 15

Over three days, leading members of the international wine community will gather in Brighton to share ideas and meet with others involved in the business of wine.
Since 1984, a community of international wine professionals has met every four years to discuss the issues surrounding the production of wine in cool climates. These meetings have become key events, where front-line research and innovative techniques have been presented, many wines have been tasted and lasting friendships established. Following on from the highly successful symposia held in the United States, New Zealand, Germany, and Australia, the 9th International Cool Climate Wine Symposium will be held in England, one of the newest and most dynamic wine regions, in May 2016. Taking as its theme “Successful wine production in changing climates”, the programme will be organised along three main themes: • Facing a challenging climate • Optimising fruit and wine quality • Cool climate wine styles The viticultural, oenological and wine business aspects of these themes will be explored through keynote speakers, presentations, seminars, workshops, posters and tastings. Delegates will be updated on the latest developments, have the opportunity to discuss the key issues in their fields with their peers, and to meet with the leading suppliers to their industry.
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