A ViniPortugal vem por este meio divulgar que o Monopólio Sueco, Systembolaget, anunciou novos Tenders.
O anúncio inclui uma lista de vinhos portugueses que o Systembolaget pretende lançar no mercado em Setembro de 2014, sendo que as decisões de compra serão tomadas durante a Primavera 2014.
Data limite do Tender: 25 de Fevereiro
Nota: Caso pretenda concorrer a um destes Tenders deverá sempre procurar um agente/importador certificado no mercado.
Vinhos portugueses pedidos:
Vinho DOC Douro Branco
Vinho da casta Syrah de Portugal
Vinho Madeira, 5 YO Sercial
Especificações dos vinhos (Em inglês):
1. White Douro Doc wine.
Tasting profile: tasty, dry, fresh and fruity wine with aromas of tropical fruit, citrus and mineral.
Selling price: 90-99:- SEK
Bottle 750 ml.
Vintage: 2013
Available volume: 3.500 litres
At least 20% of the wines should have been fermented on oak barrels.
The origin should be stated clearly on the front label (DOC Douro).
Only 1 wine per producer can be offered.
2. Syrah wine from Portugal
Tasting profile: young, fruity and spice wine with aromas of dark berries, violet, licorice, and herbs.
The wine could have aromas of oak, but it is not a demand. The wine should not be jammy or with burned notes.
Selling price: 70-79:- SEK
Bottle 750 ml.
Vintage: 2012 or younger.
Available volume: 27.000 litres.
At least 85% syrah.
Origin (stated on bottle): VR Alenejano, VR Peninsula de Setúbal, VR Tejo, or DOC within these regions.
The grape Syrah should be clearly stated on the front label. Other grape varieties are allowed, but should not be stated on the front label.
Only 1 wine per producer can be offered.
3. Madeira, 5 YO Sercial - 375 ml
Tasting profile: Dry, fresh and complex wine with aromas of dried fruit, citrus and nuts.
Selling price: 99:- or 109:- SEK
Bottle, 375 ml
Available volume: 5.000 litres
Grapes: 100% sercial
Origin: DOC Madeira
The grape variety, age and origin should be clearly stated on the front label.
Only 1 wine per producer can be offered.