Latest market information from Denmark and Sweden
7 May 20
Ehrenberg Sørensen Kommunikation did a survey, in Denmark and Sweden with several wine importers and distributor to get the latest market information.
The summary of these interviews are as follows: Denmark: > What impact has the crisis had on sales? - All sales to the restaurant are stopped. But instead, they are very successful in selling to individuals - and in particular on digital platforms. - Supermarket & wine shops: stagnating or even increasing in some outlets. - Online sales: Strong growth (+200 to 250%) - Only the Horeca sector is a problem, which should be resolved as soon as restaurants and bars open. > Has the pattern of consumer spending changed? - We have clearly seen an increase in sales to individuals. The feeling is that many people sit at home and enjoy wine more often these days. - We also have info of what they consume more quality wines than before (the consumer is delivering at home now that they can not go out). > Did you develop new initiatives during these periods? - Additional discounts - Tasting box sale. The wines are then commented directly online by the producers on a closed forum in which you can participate if you have purchased this tasting box. Sweden: > All shops and restaurants are open - Shops and restaurants must respect precautionary measures -> Distance of customers to be respected at the cash desks of the stores -> Ban on crowding customers in a restaurant (every second table must be empty) > The Swedish monopoly stores are currently selling even more wine than usual because people are going out less > But hotel & restaurant crisis, since people go out much less to eat and drink - A little less true now with the arrival of spring and the restaurant / cafe terraces which opened last weekend where people are crowded together as if nothing had happened. - Take away food delivery and home delivery have exploded Cultural and professional activities involving more than 50 people are prohibited > Wine consumption level - Home consumption, including for wine, is increasing sharply - Out-of-home consumption decreasing in March and early April; however, people seem to have stopped following the recommendations since the dawn of the summer; the terraces are filled with people Besides this, attached you will also find a general Corona virus situation report for Denmark, Sweden and Germany that Ehrenberg Sørensen Kommunikation also cover. More information here.
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