Wines of Portugal Challenge postponed to 2021
3 April 20

Because of the situation experienced in the country due to the coronavirus outbreak and following the recommendations of national and international health authorities to contain the epidemic, ViniPortugal decided to postpone the Wines of Portugal Challenge to 2021.
Initially scheduled to May 11 to 15 of 2020, the Wines of Portugal Challenge will now be held from 19th to 23th April 2021. In due course, the organization will provide more detailed information on this initiative. In addition to distinguishing the best national wines, from North to South of the Country, in an evaluation by a panel of renowned national and international judges, the Wines of Portugal Challenge is an initiative with a promotional character among specialists, sommeliers and wine influencers. Strategic external markets for the "Wines of Portugal" brand, which, over the course of a week, have the opportunity to better understand the reality of the national wine industry.
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