Discussion about Sustainability in Vineyard
15 January 15
The first Technical Symposium about Sustainability in Vineyard, January 15, starts at 9.30 am, in the Academy of Technical Sciences of Lisbon
The purpose of the first Technical Symposium about Sustainability in Vineyard is to promote the innovation in vineyard and discuss new perspectives for the sector. The event will be held tomorrow, 15th January, in the Academy of Technical Sciences of Lisbon, starting at 9.30 am. The initiative is organized and supported jointly with the JBP-Plansel, IVV - Institute of Vine and Wine, ViniPortugal, Wine Commission of the Alentejo Region, INIAV, Viticert, Viveiros Plansel, Lisbon Academy of Sciences and has also sponsored by Bayer Portugal . Several national and international experts, associated to innovation and economic sustainability in the vine, will participate in this space of reflection and discussion in order to formulate the priorities, taking full advantage of the opportunities generated by the new EU Framework Programme Research. "Innovation by selection and using the genetic wealth" and "Ranking of strategies for the economy in the vine in Portugal" will be among the topics discussed at the Seminar. The first Technical Symposium on Sustainability in Vineyard will also be a privileged stage to reflect on the improvement of the Portuguese vineyards productivity. At the same time, it’s important to established contact with other parts of the globe, preserving the quality and typicality of wines. During the Seminar will be debated relevant issues such as the competitiveness of the Portuguese wines. This is a relevant topic because in spite of the quality of Portuguese wine has significantly improved in last decades, and that is showed with the international recognitions, the average productivity, 3,000 l / hectare, remains one of the lowest in the European Union. More information about the program and registration can be found on site PROGRAM I) Opening Session 9:30 h |.. Academy of Sciences, Mr. Jorge Monteiro - ViniPortugal, Mr. Frederick Hawk - IVV II) Second Session | State of the Art of technological knowledge in the national and international viticulture. Prof. Carlos Lopes, Dr. Nick Dokoozlian, Prof. Reiner Schultz 10:00 | Economic Survey of wine situation and the strategies to improve sustainability in the Portuguese viticulture. IVV Statistical Returns, Carlos Lopes, Prof. ISA 10:30 h | The challenge of lucrative production in the vineyard. Dr. Nick Dokoozlian, Former Professor UC Davis; Vice Pres. E & J Gallo, California 11:15 h | Vineyard management in interaction with the environment, considering the tradition of old world wine and the climate change. Prof. Hans Reiner Schultz, President Geisenheim University 14:30 h | Strategic studies about the adaptability of grape varieties and its clones to environmental conditions by choice and rootstock breeding. Prof. Joachim Schmid, University of Geisenheim. 15:00 h | Availability of vine material certification guarantee; strategies to ensure access of growers to information. Eng. Ricardo Andrade, S. G. Viticert 15:30 h | Coffee IV) Fourth Session | Ranking of the strategies for the economy in the vineyard in Portugal Academy of Sciences, Prof. Timothy Alun Hogg, Dr. Eiras Dias, Prof. Mota Barroso. 16:15 h | Results obtained from the Porter cluster of wine, moderated by the group Monitor 2003 ViniPortugal, Prof. Tim Hogg, Catholic University of Porto. 16:30 h | GO Results - 8.QC-US, PDR 2020 - INIAV Nov. 2014 Dr. Eiras Dias. 16:45 h | Debate on strategy for improving the sustainability in the vineyard. Conclusions 17.00 | Presentationof the ranking about the priority measures for sustainability in the vineyard. 18:00 h | Wine Tasting in charge of ViniPortugal.
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Press Release ViniPortugal

7 January 25

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Press Release ViniPortugal

29 November 24

Fórum Anual dos Vinhos de Portugal 2024 - Apresentações

A ViniPortugal realizou Fórum Anual dos Vinhos de Portugal no Teatro José Lúcio da Silva, em Leiria, no dia 28 de Novembro.

O Programa deste ano debateu a “Situação actual do sector”, abordou o “Plano Estratégico 2030”, a apresentação pelo IVV dos dados mais recentes das Exportações bem como a evolução do mercado nacional. Como habitualmente dermos a conhecer os Planos Sectoriais de Promoção Internacional para o ano de 2025, articulados entre a ViniPortugal e as Entidades Certificadoras.

10h30: Abertura (Frederico Falcão, Presidente da ViniPortugal)

10h45: Os Mercados dos Vinhos de Portugal (Maria João Real Dias, IVV)

As Exportações 2023 e 2024: dados mais recentes

O Mercado Nacional: evolução, expectativas e condicionantes

11h15: “Plano Estratégico 2030” (Frederico Falcão, Presidente da ViniPortugal)

11h45: Debate

12h00: “Situação actual do sector”

Moderação: ViniPortugal

Oradores: Jorge Monteiro (ACIBEV), Luis Mira (CAP), António Mendes (FENADEGAS), Francisco Toscano Rico (ANDOVI)

13h10: O Enoturismo(Lídia Monteiro, Turismo de Portugal)

13h30: Almoço

15h00: Campanha VITÆVINO (Ana Isabel Alves, ACIBEV)

15h15: Mesa Redonda Plano de Marketing e Promoção para 2025

Oradores: IVDP, CVRs e ViniPortugal

Plano IVDP

Plano CVR Vinhos Verdes

Plano CVR Dão

Plano ViniPortugal

16h40: Debate

16h55:Entrega de prémios CNOIV

Prémio Distinção CNOIV 2024- ENOLOGIA

Prémio Distinção CNOIV 2024- 1 VITICULTURA

Prémio Distinção CNOIV 2024- 2 VITICULTURA

Prémio Inovação CNOIV 2024

17h30: Encerramento do Fórum (Francisco T. Rico, Presidente da ANDOVI; João Moura, Sec. Estado da Agricultura)

Conforme em anos anteriores, o Fórum Anual Vinhos de Portugal 2024 foi transmitido em canal aberto no Facebook da ViniPortugal e no YouTube Wines of Portugal.

Poderão assistir em:

YOUTUBE | Fórum Anual Vinhos de Portugal 2024

FACEBOOK | Fórum Anual Vinhos de Portugal 2024

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