Wines of Portugal Forum presents the Promotional Agenda
24 November 14
Wines of Portugal Forum is supported by ViniPortugal, next Wednesday, 26th November, starting at 9.45 am, at Palace Hotel Curia.
The presentation of the Common Agenda which will be held in 2015 is one of the novelties of the Wines of Portugal Forum next edition. The promotional agenda was realized by the CVRs in cooperation with ViniPortugal and describes the external promotion actions, planned for next year. The increasing of the promotional activity, stimulated by several Portuguese agents, requires a greater coordination, avoiding the overlap of events, and allows the reorganization of working time by the companies. In this way, the Common Agenda presents the Promotional Plans prospected for Wines of Portugal Brand and the Controlled Designations of Origin. The first one is the responsibility of ViniPortugal while the other one is the liability of CVRs or IVDP and IVBAM. Jorge Monteiro, ViniPortugal CEO, says that “This initiative heralds an increased alignment of operations amongst the responsible for Wines of Portugal International Promotion. The Agenda presentation is the result of a process which was started in 2012 Forum Edition, in Porto. This initiative promotes the creation of a joint agenda which offers the most focus and concerted promotion plan, in the main strategic markets for the Wines of Portugal Brand. The result is the strengthening of the Wines of Portugal image in the international markets and the recognition of its quality”. Attached Program Program: 9.30 am: Registration of Participants 9.45 am: Opening Session, chaired by IVV CEO, Eng. Frederico Falcão 10 am: The Wines of Portugal in 2014: domestic market and the exports – IVV 10.30 am: The competitive position of Portuguese wines in markets under observation: Switzerland, Russia, Poland, South Korea and Mozambique (VP) 10.50 am: Coffee Break 11.15 am: “The importance of wine in the Promotion of Tourism” – Dr. João Cotrim de Figueiredo, Turismo de Portugal CEO 11.35 am: "The function of Tourism in Portuguese Wine Promotion” – Prof. Licínio Cunha 12.00 am: Debate 12.30 am: Lunch 2.15 pm: The Brand “Wines of Portugal” in 2014 (video) 2.30 pm: “The Generic Promotion as a complement for Private Brands Promotion” Guest speaker: Mr. Fréderic Julia – Vertumne Internacional CEO Round Table discussion with CVRs CEO of VV: Bairrada, Dão, Tejo, Lisboa, Setúbal and Alentejo 3.50 pm: Strategic Plan for Wines of Portugal 2015/2017 Balance results 2012/2014 Strategic Summary: message, values, markets and types of actions. Identify the qualitative and quantitative objectives by market. Summary of Plans by Market Debate 5.00 pm: The presentation of the Forum Conclusions 5.20 pm: Closing Session with the Secretary of State for Agriculture Eng. José Diogo Albuquerque
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Press Release ViniPortugal

7 January 25

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Press Release ViniPortugal

29 November 24

Fórum Anual dos Vinhos de Portugal 2024 - Apresentações

A ViniPortugal realizou Fórum Anual dos Vinhos de Portugal no Teatro José Lúcio da Silva, em Leiria, no dia 28 de Novembro.

O Programa deste ano debateu a “Situação actual do sector”, abordou o “Plano Estratégico 2030”, a apresentação pelo IVV dos dados mais recentes das Exportações bem como a evolução do mercado nacional. Como habitualmente dermos a conhecer os Planos Sectoriais de Promoção Internacional para o ano de 2025, articulados entre a ViniPortugal e as Entidades Certificadoras.

10h30: Abertura (Frederico Falcão, Presidente da ViniPortugal)

10h45: Os Mercados dos Vinhos de Portugal (Maria João Real Dias, IVV)

As Exportações 2023 e 2024: dados mais recentes

O Mercado Nacional: evolução, expectativas e condicionantes

11h15: “Plano Estratégico 2030” (Frederico Falcão, Presidente da ViniPortugal)

11h45: Debate

12h00: “Situação actual do sector”

Moderação: ViniPortugal

Oradores: Jorge Monteiro (ACIBEV), Luis Mira (CAP), António Mendes (FENADEGAS), Francisco Toscano Rico (ANDOVI)

13h10: O Enoturismo(Lídia Monteiro, Turismo de Portugal)

13h30: Almoço

15h00: Campanha VITÆVINO (Ana Isabel Alves, ACIBEV)

15h15: Mesa Redonda Plano de Marketing e Promoção para 2025

Oradores: IVDP, CVRs e ViniPortugal

Plano IVDP

Plano CVR Vinhos Verdes

Plano CVR Dão

Plano ViniPortugal

16h40: Debate

16h55:Entrega de prémios CNOIV

Prémio Distinção CNOIV 2024- ENOLOGIA

Prémio Distinção CNOIV 2024- 1 VITICULTURA

Prémio Distinção CNOIV 2024- 2 VITICULTURA

Prémio Inovação CNOIV 2024

17h30: Encerramento do Fórum (Francisco T. Rico, Presidente da ANDOVI; João Moura, Sec. Estado da Agricultura)

Conforme em anos anteriores, o Fórum Anual Vinhos de Portugal 2024 foi transmitido em canal aberto no Facebook da ViniPortugal e no YouTube Wines of Portugal.

Poderão assistir em:

YOUTUBE | Fórum Anual Vinhos de Portugal 2024

FACEBOOK | Fórum Anual Vinhos de Portugal 2024

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