Joshua Greene conquered by Portuguese wines
5 August 13
North American wine expert was in Portugal to select the 50 great Portuguese wines for the U.S.
In its third and last stay in Portugal, Joshua Greene finished the tasting of Portuguese Wines that was done in order to compose his selection of the 50 great Portuguese wines for the U.S. market. The North American critic and wine specialist tasted over 600 Portuguese wines from various national regions. "It was difficult to choose only 50 wines", said the expert who revealed to have tried to "choose traditional wines" and make a selection that reflects his taste and how he knows and sees Portugal. He admires "how wines are expressed differently in different regions. There are consistent characteristics and grape varieties change. " Questioned about the size of Portuguese producers and opportunities in the U.S. market, Joshua Greene considered that "there are opportunities for small producers in the U.S.", but the producers must choose a geographical area as the North American market is huge and therefore difficult to tackle. For over 30 years Joshua Greene has known Portugal, having traveled extensively through our country. The starting point was a vacation spent in Estremoz and Évora, in which he discovered an amazing country and where it seemed impossible to find wines for $ 1. He states that "regardless of how many times he comes here, there are always new things in wine, because producers evolve in the way of understanding the grape varieties, soils and how to cultivate in a way that is always exciting". The disclosure of Joshua Greene's selection of the 50 great Portuguese wines for the U.S. market is scheduled for January 16th, 2014, in New York, and the participation of the producers selected is expected in this important exhibition of the national production.
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Press Release ViniPortugal

7 January 25

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Press Release ViniPortugal

29 November 24

Fórum Anual dos Vinhos de Portugal 2024 - Apresentações

A ViniPortugal realizou Fórum Anual dos Vinhos de Portugal no Teatro José Lúcio da Silva, em Leiria, no dia 28 de Novembro.

O Programa deste ano debateu a “Situação actual do sector”, abordou o “Plano Estratégico 2030”, a apresentação pelo IVV dos dados mais recentes das Exportações bem como a evolução do mercado nacional. Como habitualmente dermos a conhecer os Planos Sectoriais de Promoção Internacional para o ano de 2025, articulados entre a ViniPortugal e as Entidades Certificadoras.

10h30: Abertura (Frederico Falcão, Presidente da ViniPortugal)

10h45: Os Mercados dos Vinhos de Portugal (Maria João Real Dias, IVV)

As Exportações 2023 e 2024: dados mais recentes

O Mercado Nacional: evolução, expectativas e condicionantes

11h15: “Plano Estratégico 2030” (Frederico Falcão, Presidente da ViniPortugal)

11h45: Debate

12h00: “Situação actual do sector”

Moderação: ViniPortugal

Oradores: Jorge Monteiro (ACIBEV), Luis Mira (CAP), António Mendes (FENADEGAS), Francisco Toscano Rico (ANDOVI)

13h10: O Enoturismo(Lídia Monteiro, Turismo de Portugal)

13h30: Almoço

15h00: Campanha VITÆVINO (Ana Isabel Alves, ACIBEV)

15h15: Mesa Redonda Plano de Marketing e Promoção para 2025

Oradores: IVDP, CVRs e ViniPortugal

Plano IVDP

Plano CVR Vinhos Verdes

Plano CVR Dão

Plano ViniPortugal

16h40: Debate

16h55:Entrega de prémios CNOIV

Prémio Distinção CNOIV 2024- ENOLOGIA

Prémio Distinção CNOIV 2024- 1 VITICULTURA

Prémio Distinção CNOIV 2024- 2 VITICULTURA

Prémio Inovação CNOIV 2024

17h30: Encerramento do Fórum (Francisco T. Rico, Presidente da ANDOVI; João Moura, Sec. Estado da Agricultura)

Conforme em anos anteriores, o Fórum Anual Vinhos de Portugal 2024 foi transmitido em canal aberto no Facebook da ViniPortugal e no YouTube Wines of Portugal.

Poderão assistir em:

YOUTUBE | Fórum Anual Vinhos de Portugal 2024

FACEBOOK | Fórum Anual Vinhos de Portugal 2024

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